At Counseling By Design, children can begin participating in counseling services at four years of age.  When working with young children, I use person-centered play techniques.  Play provides a mode of communication to the counselor when children are unable to verbally express what is going on inside.  While many adults view play as just something fun for kids to do, play is their actual language and is vital to their growth, development and healing.  

Play can be used to help with anxiety, grief, trauma, anger and depression, as well as social skills needs.

Play techniques are utilized up to the age of 10 or dependent on the maturity and the needs of the child.  The look of the play will change with age such as incorporating specific games, interests and art techniques as the child gets older.

  • Children who have experienced the following can benefit from counseling:

  • Divorce

  • Grief

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety/Worry/Fears

  • ADHD

  • Autism

  • Attachment

  • Anger

  • Executive Functioning

  • School Issues